Please note: Sections from each magazine are posted separately as they become available.


Members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada

--Issue No. 6 July-August 1925:

Mountfort Mills: Chairman
Roy C. Wilhelm: Vice Chairman
Horace Holley: Secretary
Florence Morton: Treasurer
Amelia Collins
Ali Kuli Khan
Carl Scheffler
Siegfried Schopflocher

Office of the Secretary
169 Christopher Street
New York City

Office of the Secretary
169 Christopher Street
New York City

Office of the Treasurer
5 Wheeler Avenue
Worcester, Mass.


Message from the National Spiritual Assembly

--Issue No. 6 July-August, 1925:

Dear Baha’i Friends:

We are all greatly indebted to Mr. Louis Gregory for the detailed report of the Convention appearing in this issue of the News Letter. For those unable to attend, Mr. Gregory’s faithful description will, in part at least, recreate a succession of truly significant days in the history of the Baha’i Cause in America. Those who were present will appreciate the fidelity with which a trained observer recorded the essential features of the sessions, enriching our personal memory and enlarging our individual observation of the moving scene.

Surely, every delegate and visitor will agree that it was not merely by what the delegates accomplished but even more by the underlying spirit not to be expressed wholly in word or deed, the Convention at Green Acre measured a distinct advance over any similar occasion held in past years.

For the first time, the delegates became a truly consultative body deliberating in turn upon every phase of the activities, with the result that the work of the incoming National Spiritual Assembly can more faithfully than ever reflect the unified wisdom and experience of all the friends. The new responsibility placed upon the delegates by Shoghi Effendi should, in fact, continue undiminished until the next Convention, contributing vital strength to the National Assembly and linking its members more closely to the hearts of the believers throughout Canada and the United States.


From the Writings

--Issue No. 6 July-August, 1925:

There is a power in this Cause, a mysterious power, far, far, far away from the ken of men and angels. That invisible power is the source of all these outward activities. It moves the hearts. It rends the mountains. It administers the complicated affairs of the Cause. It inspires the friends. It dashes into a thousand pieces all the forces of opposition. It creates new spiritual worlds. This is a mystery of the Kingdom of Abha.
- Abdu’l-Baha


Seventeenth Annual Convention of the Baha’is of the United States and Canada: Green Acre, Maine, July 6th, 7th and 8th, 1925 – Message from the National Spiritual Assembly

--Issue No. 5 May-June 1925:

“I am deeply convinced that if the annual Convention of the friends in America, as well as the National Spiritual Assembly, desire to become potent instruments for the speedy realization of the Beloved’s fondest hopes for the future of that country, they should endeavor, first and foremost, to exemplify, in an increasing degree, to all Baha’is and to the world at large the high ideals of fellowship and service which Baha’u’llah and the beloved Master repeatedly set before them.”
- Shoghi Effendi.

Dear Baha’i friends:

By a thousand avenues, visible and invisible, the reality of the heavenly kingdom is rapidly entering the arena of human action and thought. Even those who know not its manifest source have become aware of what mighty powers are striving to regenerate humanity in this day, and there is not one soul, no matter how unconscious it may be, but has become an instrument either for the destruction of the old evil or the promotion of the new, divine good.

So resolutely have liberal minds the world over taken up the task of establishing the fundamental Baha’i principles that it is possible even for the sincerest believer occasionally to ask himself what the little company of Baha’is can accomplish comparable in importance with the effort of these well-endowed and noble men and women. But no group or association of individuals anywhere in the world has our special and unique privilege of creating that complete, unbreakable unity which is born of God. Clearly before our feet we may from day to day perceive those paths of conscious faith leading upward from the darkness of earth’s sad battleground to the heavenly dwelling place of the Most Great Peace. Pass though they may dire places and grievous tests avoided as calamities by the spiritually ignorant among mankind, nevertheless, we know that these paths were marked by the feet of the True One, and none who treads them to the end will miss the cup of abundant joy.


Letter from Shoghi Effendi

--Issue No. 5 May-June 1925:

To the members of the American National Spiritual Assembly.

My Dearly-beloved Fellow-Workers:

The communications lately received from your distinguished secretary, dated January 8th, February 6th and 13th, and March 17th, together with the enclosed minutes, reports and letters, have been read with profound interest and genuine satisfaction. The methods you pursue, the new measures for publicity which you have adopted, the increasing confidence you have achieved, and the degree of support, both moral and financial, which you have deservedly earned from the body of the believers are all encouraging signs that testify to the growing solidarity of a Cause destined to confer inestimable benefits upon mankind.

Great as is the promise of the Movement for the future, it has already revealed in a remarkable manner to every unprejudiced observer its indomitable spirit of loving sacrifice and true fellowship burning with undiminished ardor in the breasts of its followers both in the land of its birth and in the great Republic of the West. The heroism and fortitude lately displayed by its sorely-tried adherents in Persia, and the prompt and generous contributions of the American believers who have spontaneously responded to the call of their needy brethren of the East have served to kindle the flame of enthusiasm in many a heart, and forged fresh bonds of fellowship which will prove of the highest value for the advancement of the Baha’i Faith. I would specially request you to convey to all the friends in the name of the oppressed Baha’is of Persia, and particularly the homeless sufferers of Nayriz, the expression of their deepest gratitude and highest appreciation. May America’s noble donations draw even as a magnet the blessings of the Almighty Giver upon the task it has set itself to achieve!


Letter from Shoghi Effendi

--Issue No. 5 May-June 1925:

To the esteemed members of the American National Spiritual Assembly, care of the secretary, Mr. H. Holley, New York City.

My Well-Beloved and Precious Fellow-Workers:

I have perused your recent communication, dated December 29th, and signed on your behalf by your vigilant and capable secretary, with an interest and attention worthy of the paramount importance of the issues it raises.
The matter of the revision of the English version of the Hidden Words, in view of the rapidity of the sale of the copies recently printed, is of urgent importance. I shall as soon as my multitudinous pre-occupations permit avail myself of the opportunity of Dr. Esslemont’s happy sojourn in the Holy Land to collaborate with him in any necessary alterations of the text. I strongly hope, except in the event of unforeseen circumstances, to undertake this task in the course of this coming month.

In connection with the fundamental questions of general policy referred to in your letter, I feel that the basic principles, laid down but briefly stated in my past letters, which must guide the administration of the affairs of the Baha’i Movement, pending the definite formation of the first authoritative Universal House of Justice, must be further affirmed, elucidated, and explained in greater detail, for the complete knowledge of all the individual members of the vast and growing community of the believers in America.


In Memoriam

--Issue No. 4 April 1925:

The Community Church at Fruitport, Michigan, was the scene of an impressive Baha’i service held on January 12th for one of the beloved members of the Fruitport Assembly, Mrs. Emmaline King, who passed away on January tenth requesting with her last breath that at her funeral the words of Baha’u’llah and ‘Abdu’l-Baha be read, and that the Baha’i teaching concerning the immortality of the soul be explained to those attending the funeral. This service was conducted by Mr. Albert Windust of the Chicago Assembly, who states that it was a most remarkable experience. Those present were deeply moved by the spirit of conscious faith which they felt in the reading of the Baha’i words.

On the morning of January 27th our beloved brother Thomas Copeland, of Duluth, ascended to the life of reality after nearly three years of suffering. He was attracted to the Cause in 1918 and was among the first to open his home for the Assembly meetings in Duluth.

Mr. Copeland was a man of loving character, with a heart that drew to him many warm friends. He was a humble and faithful servant in the Cause of ‘Abdu’l-Baha and served to the limit of his powers in the Path of Unity.


News of the Cause

--Issue No. 4 April 1925:

Writing under the instruction of Shoghi Effendi, our dear brother Mirza Azizullah informs us that Shoghi Effendi is highly pleased with the quick and generous response of the dear friends to his call for cooperation in behalf of the unfortunate Nayriz friends, for this constitutes a great example of the unification of the East and the West which is becoming realized through the influence of the Cause of God.

“We hope that through the sympathy and cooperation of all the dear Baha’i friends, those poor brothers and sisters will be soon re-established. I am sure that this reconstruction work will produce great results for the glory of the Cause among the Persians. This will open the eyes of the negligent natives to the creative power, humanitarian virtue and essential value of the principles of the Cause. This will achieve what the efforts of hundreds of teachers might fail to render the Cause.

“Our beloved Guardian is in good health and greatly encouraged by the vigorous efforts the friends are exerting to raise the banner of the Abha Kingdom.

“We have now the pleasure of having our dear sisters, Mrs. True, Miss Edna True and Mrs. Stannard with us. We are expecting five new Australian and New Zealand friends who are en route to the Holy Land.”

The total amount forwarded from America for the Nayriz sufferers through the N.S.A. up to April first, is nearly $3900.


Work of National Committees

--Issue No. 4 April 1925:

The National Spiritual Assembly have recently appointed two new committees. A committee to compile a new and more complete prayer book includes the following members: Mr. Leroy Ioas, Mrs. Frankland, Mrs. Bosch and Mrs. Rabb. The members of this committee desire to have the friends cooperate by sending copies of Prayers they would like included in the new book. To undertake the preparation of a Baha’i Year Book in accordance with the recent instruction from Shoghi Effendi, another special committee has been appointed which includes: Albert Windust, Mason Remey, Mrs. Stewart French, Mrs. Mariam Haney, Ahmad Sohrab and Horace Holley.

The Archives Committee have available 200 copies of Mason Remey’s pamphlets entitled, “Baha’i Indexes” and “Baha’i Manuscripts”, containing extremely valuable information for students of the Cause. Copies may be obtained free on request by applying to the Baha’i Publishing Committee. Please enclose five cents for postage.

The Publishing Committee is now also prepared to supply the leather binders mentioned in the letter of the National Spiritual Assembly dated December 15th last. These binders are stamped with the Greatest Name in gold on the front cover and will hold securely up to three or four hundred sheets. It is hoped that each Assembly secretary will obtain one of these binders for preserving letters from Shoghi Effendi, from the N.S.A., and other communications and records. Individual believers will also find these binders very useful for preserving their important Tablets and other Baha’i papers. The price is $1.50 each.


Message from the National Spiritual Assembly

--Issue No. 4 April 1925:

To the Assemblies of the United States and Canada.

Dear Baha’i friends:

On April 21st, according to the instructions sent us by Shoghi Effendi two years ago, the friends will gather in their local meeting places for the purpose of electing the Spiritual Assembly of nine for the coming year. Both from the clearer understanding that has come to us concerning the importance of this institution, and from the fact that this year the local elections do not so closely coincide with the National Convention that some of the most active workers need be absent, it is in our power to make this unique occasion an event of far-reaching importance.

Previous to the balloting, it would be well for the retiring Spiritual Assembly to report concerning the work of the past year, laying before all the members full details as to the various activities which have been under their supervision, such as teaching, Temple, correspondence, the sale and distribution of Baha’i literature, the relieving of distress among the friends, and also receipts and expenditures of the local Baha’i Fund. With this report might well be included such recommendations as the Spiritual Assembly deem most advisable to be undertaken during the coming year.

The question has been asked on many occasions as to what constitutes the qualification, or qualifications, of a voter in these Assembly elections.
Until specific instructions concerning this point have been received from Shoghi Effendi, it appears best to leave the selection of the local voting list entirely in the hands of the Spiritual Assembly by whom the meeting has been called. As between such lack of method as would permit even inactive persons to vote, although not attending other meetings during the year, and any over-strict basis of selection, such as whether one contributes regularly to the Baha’i Fund or is willing to sign some formal pledge of adherence, the truly Baha’i principle is unquestionably that the out-going Spiritual Assembly should consult together and draw up a voting list based upon perfect consultation, and invitations to the meeting be sent only to those on this list.


From the Writings

--Issue No. 4 April 1925:

In short, whatsoever thing is arranged in harmony and with love and purity of motive, its result is light, and should the least trace of estrangement prevail the result shall be darkness upon darkness. ... If this be so regarded, that Assembly shall be of God, but otherwise it shall lead to coolness and alienation that proceed from the Evil One.
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha

With these Assemblies, local as well as national, harmoniously, vigorously, and efficiently functioning throughout the Baha’i world, the only means for the establishment of the Supreme House of Justice will have been assured. And when this Supreme Body will have been properly established, it will have to consider afresh the whole situation, and lay down the principle which shall direct, as long as it deems advisable, the affairs of the Cause.

Pending its establishment, and to insure uniformity throughout the East and throughout the West, all local Assemblies will have to be reelected once a year, during the first day of Ridvan, and the result of polling, if possible, be declared on that day.
- Shoghi Effendi


Message from Shoghi Effendi

--Issue No. 4 April 1925:

To my dearly-beloved friends, the members of the American National Spiritual Assembly.

My dear and precious fellow-workers:

The three communications dated November 19, November 22 and December 22, which I have recently received from that indefatigable servant of Baha’u’llah, my esteemed spiritual brother, Mr. Holley, have given me great satisfaction and have cheered and sustained me in my work. I have read most carefully the minutes of your December meeting and am particularly pleased to note in many respects the notable advance you have made in establishing the Cause upon a wider and surer foundation.

With reference to the need, so often expressed, for an authentic and comprehensive history of the Cause, I am glad to inform you of the action contemplated by the National Spiritual Assembly of Persia in instructing and urging the local Assemblies throughout the country to take immediate steps for the formation in every locality of a special committee which will seek the assistance and the testimony of the remnants of the earliest believers and pioneers of the Cause in Persia in collecting most carefully all available evidence and data for the compilation of a comprehensive, reliable and representative history of the Movement from its earliest dawn to the present day. I have communicated with the National Assembly of Persia regarding this urgent and vital necessity, and I feel the time is not far distant when a free rendering into English of this stirring narrative as well as an abridged form of it will be made available for both the Baha’is and the general public in the West.


Booklet: Letters from Shoghi Effendi

--Issue No. 3 March 1925:

This booklet can now be obtained for 20 cents each (postage 5 cents additional) from the Baha’i Publishing Committee, P.O. Box 348, Grand Central Station, New York City.


News of the Cause

--Issue No. 3 March 1925:

After fifteen years of unique service to the Cause of interracial understanding and solidarity, the pioneer Baha’i servant, Dr. Moody has arrived in this country for a visit of probably one year or until improved conditions in Tihran enable her to resume her work. Accompanied by Elizabeth Stewart, Dr. Moody landed at Boston en route from Haifa on Wednesday, January 14th.

The New York Assembly, through Miss Nellie Lloyd arranged a reception for Dr. Moody and Miss Stewart at the Hotel Waldorf Astoria, Sunday, January 18th, and the large Waldorf Gallery was crowded in anticipation of the privilege of meeting Dr. Moody and Miss Stewart and hearing at first hand their remarkable story.

Calmly, yet with the dramatic emphasis which always surrounds one who has actually participated in stirring events, Dr. Moody related her experiences in Tihran. None present will ever forget her vivid account of the splendid accomplishment of the Tarbiat Schools, the unfailingly ardent devotion of the Persian Baha’is, and the remarkable part played by Major Imbrie in saving the lives of thousands of the Persian believers, and probably also of Dr. Moody and Miss Stewart themselves, at the sacrifice of his own life. By the Persian friends Major Imbrie is held in reverent memory among those whose sacrifice has been of signal service to the Baha’i Cause.


The Mashriqu’l-Adhkar

--Issue No. 3 March 1925:

The December 1924 News Letter served to acquaint the friends with the exact details of the several contracts proposed by the Temple Committee and approved by the National Spiritual Assembly in order to safeguard the Foundation Hall of the Temple from deterioration and redeem the grounds from their present condition of unsightliness and neglect.

In approving these contracts, the National Spiritual Assembly made itself responsible for a minimum of $7075.00 to be paid from the National Baha’i Fund on the Temple account this year. This amount represented the barest minimum actually required for the maintenance of the present Foundation Hall and by no means included any of that additional work which both the Temple Committee and the National Spiritual Assembly considered befitting the true progress of the Cause.

Up to the present time the National Treasurer has been unable to authorize the placing of more than a fraction of the work listed in our December News Letter, a condition which calls for decisive action on the part of every Assembly.