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Issue no. 7, September 1925: Temple Committee

The detailed report presented by the Temple Committee to the recent Convention is now being published and copies will very shortly be placed in the hands of every recognized believer in the United States and Canada and also of Baha’i Assemblies in other countries.

This report contains a complete financial statement of all receipts and expenditures made in connection with the Mashriqu’l-Adhkar at Wilmette. It contains a complete summary of the Temple activities since their inception in 1909, including the matter of the architect’s contract, statements by the engineer, and photographs of the Foundation Hall and Mr. Bourgeois’ studio on the Temple grounds.

From the remarkable effects produced by this report upon the delegates, it is certain that its publication will effectively stimulate a new and deeper spirit of devotion for the continuance of this edifice dedicated to the Glory of God.

The friends will be pleased to know that work has already been begun on the new caretaker’s house from the beautiful design prepared by Mr. Bourgeois, for which the Convention voted that an appropriation of three thousand dollars should be made. With the construction of this house, all the items recommended by the Temple Committee last year, as listed in News Letter No. 1, have now been carried into effect. As soon as possible, constructive plans aimed at raising the four hundred thousand dollars necessary for the first permanent unit of the Temple, in accordance with Shoghi Effendi’s instructions, will be announced.

The following resolution was unanimously passed by the Convention delegates after the presentation of the Temple Report by the secretary of the Temple Committee, Mr. Carl Scheffler: --

“Whereas, the Temple Committee appointed by the National Spiritual Assembly has rendered a report comprising all matters pertaining to the Mashriq’ul-Adhkar from the time of its inception to the close of this fiscal year, and

“Whereas, in the preparation of this report this committee with consecrated zeal has devoted months of strenuous work to investigation, research, analysis and compilation, thereby elucidating many involved and intricate questions and bringing renewed vision concerning the significance of the Mashriq’ul-Adhkar, and

“Whereas, Mr. Mattison has rendered invaluable assistance in auditing the accounts of the Baha’i Temple Unity covering a period of over fifteen years, and

“Whereas, Mr. Alfred Anderson has rendered with extraordinary firmness, fortitude and devotion most self-sacrificing service, be it

“Resolved, that the Baha’i Convention of 1925 accept this report with a unanimous expression of its profound appreciation of the value of these services to the Cause.”